Top things to do in Starachowice (Poland)

Starachowice: A Hidden Gem in Poland

Starachowice, a city rich in industrial history, is located in the eastern part of Poland in the province of ?wi?tokrzyskie. Despite not being a well-known tourist destination, Starachowice offers a plethora of unique and fascinating attractions for visitors to discover.

Nature and Technology Museum

The Nature and Technology Museum, located on 20 acres of land on Marsza?ka Pi?sudskiego street, is a must-see for anyone interested in the history of iron ore plants. The museum showcases fossils, cars, and remains of iron furnaces. Visitors can learn about the technology used to extract iron ore and its role in the growth of industrialization in the region. URL

Rynek w Starachowicach

Wierzbnik, located in the heart of Starachowice, offers visitors a chance to explore the Rynek, a lively marketplace that showcases local produce, handmade crafts, and traditional Polish foods. The market runs daily and is open to all visitors looking to experience the local culture.

Starachowice Ironworks Plant

Star 266, Star 25 Po?arniczy, Star-wywrotka, and Star 660 ?uraw are unique attractions that visitors can explore on the ?cie?ka Star-a trail. The trail offers visitors an opportunity to walk through the history of the Starachowice Ironworks Plant, which played a crucial role in the region's industrialization and economic growth.

Rezerwat Wykus

Rezerwat Wykus, located near Starachowice, is a natural reserve that offers an escape from the city's hustle and bustle. Visitors can explore the reserve's unique flora and fauna or take a peaceful walk in the forest.

Historical Monuments

Starachowice is home to several historical monuments that provide visitors with a glimpse into the city's past. The Fryderyka Chopina statue in ?róde?ko is a tribute to the famous composer who visited the region during his lifetime. The Pomnik partyzantów on Partyzantów 1A commemorates the brave men and women who fought for the Polish resistance during World War II.


The Wielkopiecowa complex, located on Wielkopiecowa street, is a historical landmark and touristic attraction. Once a thriving industrial zone, the complex now houses a museum showcasing the region's industrial history. Visitors can learn about the coal mining and ironworks that played such a significant role in the city's development.

Zalew W?chocki

The Zalew W?chocki, located on ?w. Rocha street, is a beautiful lake that offers visitors a chance to relax and unwind. The lake is surrounded by stunning views of the nearby mountains and is a popular spot for fishing, swimming, and boating.

Ska?ka Starachowice

The Ska?ka Starachowice, located on aleja Armii Krajowej street, is a rocky outcrop that provides visitors with spectacular views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the natural formations, hike the nearby trails, or visit the nearby nature reserve. URL

Rezerwat Rosochacz

The Rezerwat Rosochacz, located on I??ecka street, is a nature reserve that preserves the unique flora and fauna of the region. Visitors can explore the reserve's trails, observe the wildlife, and relax in the peaceful surroundings. URL

Other Attractions

Starachowice has several other attractions that visitors can explore, including the Ostre Górki, Ska?y w Krynkach, and Aleja Kawa?ów. The Kamienne ?winie, located on B?awatkowa street, is a unique art installation that pays homage to the region's industrial heritage. The Stacja SKW Lipie Starachowickie, located on Komorniki street, is a former military base that now serves as a cultural center. Visitors can also explore the Stary M?yn w Marcinkowie, a historic windmill that provides a glimpse into the city's past.

Visitors to Starachowice can also explore nearby attractions, including the Figura ?w. Jana Nepomucena on ?wi?tego Jana street and the Wyspa na zalewie Brody I??eckie on ?wi?tokrzyska street.

Whether you're interested in the history of industrialization, nature reserves, or historical monuments, Starachowice is the perfect destination for anyone looking for an off-the-beaten-path holiday.